The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77879   Message #1446679
Posted By: The Shambles
30-Mar-05 - 05:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Censorship on Mudcat
Subject: RE: BS: Censorship on Mudcat
Subject: RE: BS: Censorship on Mudcat
From: GUEST,MMario - PM
Date: 29 Mar 05 - 04:36 PM

sometimes appears that folk now are being encouraged to think that what our forum is now only about - is for posting personal judgements of the worth of other posters and their right to post.

Huh? I must have missed That! Where is/are the post(s) that can be interpreted in that way?

Mmario – There is no shortage of these posts. The following one is probably one of the best single examples currently being set. There are a number of rules to follow – which this one demonstrates well. All of them ignoring the fact that encouraging all this personal judgement to be posted - is pointless and counter-productive.

1. First you make sure that the poster you are judging negatively is an easy target and any groundless inference you may make about them will be just more 'mud' that might easily stick.
2. Secondly you always use the royal 'we' and refer to 'us' – to imply that this is the view of those posters who matter.
3. Thirdly you never miss the chance to include some other poster's names and if you can – and if you get the chance - to make some ingratiating remarks about how positive a poster they are and what a good example they are setting.
4. It is not always necessary to make a thinly veiled threat of some sort – this is optional. As is actually making any contribution to the subject of the thread.

Subject: RE: BS: Can't Refresh A Closed Thread : RE jOhn
From: Big Mick - PM
Date: 01 Feb 05 - 08:48 PM

Quite frankly, Roger, it is fortunate for you that someone as level headed as Joe, Jeff, and Max are, is making the decisions. If it were my decision, I would block you. Here is why.

First off, you have nothing constructive to say. The majority of your posts, by a large margin, are on a single subject. That subject is your dissatisfaction with this place. With very few exceptions (the Pianist thread) that is all you post about.

Second, It is clear that you gain some kind of gratification from complaining, and the resultant nasty responses from folks. It is like a Quixote complex gone mad. It seems counter productive to keep feeding this.

I know that M, J & J are correct in their response to you. But a number of us feel that the forum would be better served without you in it. I wish that were not so. In fact I remember a time when you contributed mightily to this place. I wish that were still the case. In short, you are the best case that can be made for a moderated forum. Fortunately there is only one of you.

I am posting this because of your focus on Joe. Joe has actually been one of your saving graces. There are a number of us that are pretty much at the end of our rope. You don't recognize that we understand Max's desire to keep this place as it is, hence you are allowed to continue. Instead of complaining about them, you should be grateful.

Mick the Mudelf