Hallo all At last I am back after some time of lot of works. I was reading this tread, tell me what are people doing in a bar, watching a play or what ever if they can´t .............. you know.? Every first weekend In Agust here In Iceland,we have festival, well my band went there to play, we played on Friday and Saturdaynight and then It happens. We played from 23:00 - 03:00 well when had five minutes left oh I was taken of the stage and I mean taken, I flew of the stage with my guitar on my shoulder and down the floor landed on my back I didin´t do anything. Well I was so angry that I took all my stuff and went home, still we had to play on the day after but they did that without me. This Is Rudeness. P.S here In Iceland Is snowing and tomorrow It Is going to be very bad wheather with snow , lot of winds and cold. The wind Is going to be 30 meters pr.sek. So we are not going see a lot out the Windows. All the best to you all.