The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79726   Message #1446782
Posted By: Bobert
30-Mar-05 - 07:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat censorship - a proposal
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat censorship - a proposal
Well, I really haven't been keeping up with the other thread but I'm not too sure having an *explainatory thread* will do much more than continue whatever was being censored...

Like Madcatter A calls Mudcatter B a ____________. So then the censorer starts a thread entitled,"Mudcatter A's thread Closed for calling Mudcatter B a ______________".

I think we are all adults here and know when we might have stepped over the line. I don't think that givin' someone's rude bahavior additional attention will do anything but reinforce their rude behavior...

I think maybe another way to deal with the problem would be to not close a thread unless it becomes out of control wacko. Instead, the inappropriate post be deleted, but not the name of the poster. This way the thread wouldn't get killed off and the flow of the thread wouldn't get hyjacked...

But having said that, I think that deleting a post should be the last resort... I'd hate to see it over used.

Jus' my 2 cents worth...
