The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79726   Message #1447013
Posted By: GUEST,Xander
30-Mar-05 - 02:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat censorship - a proposal
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat censorship - a proposal
I already indicated remorse at my statement towards El Greko further up in this thread, and I apologised to him directly also. Yet some people continue to hit me over the head with my hasty words. What do they want, blood? How many times does one need to apologise?

Back to my proposal once more: Following Joe Offer's note, I gather that the amended text would be something like this now:

1. Monitoring (and censorship) of threads can be delegated to volunteers.

3. Legitimate reasons for post deletion can only be:
   a) potentially libellous statements
   b) overtly racist or sexist remarks
   c) personal attacks

3. Legitimate reasons for amending a post can only be:
   a) to delete personal information given in a post
   b) to delete web links to pornographic or racist sites

So, out goes the 1-year rule and the naming of clones; and out goes the explaining of reasons for deletions.

Everyone OK with this?
I repeat, this is in no way intended as a set of rules for Max or anyone to follow; if they happen to follow it, it is just coincidence and common sense. It's just a "paper exercise" for us to agree how an ideal forum might be moderated - ideally.
