The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79726   Message #1447254
Posted By: The Shambles
30-Mar-05 - 05:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat censorship - a proposal
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat censorship - a proposal
As for Mr. Shambles, you will note that we allow him to say exactly what he wants to say - over and over again, ad nauseam. That doesn't mean that we have to bow down and thank him every time he heaps abuse on us.

The idea of Joe or 'we' stating what 'they' will allow - on part of the site set aside by Max for invited contributions - is new to this long-term poster. Had that ever been the case when I started - I and many others would have never contributed in the first place.

Perhaps Joe you can provide us with some of the evidence of this "abuse" I heap on you? The moral of our volunteers should be 'never let the truth spoil a good character assassination'. If this current 'system' was anyway near what its practitioners and their supporters claimed for it – would there really be any need for them to use such tactics to defend it and oppose even the slightest suggested change?

The abusive personal attacks that 'you' indulge in from your privileged position and incite others to make upon me and the example set by this - can easily be evidenced. It can be easily evidenced that my 'crime' is simply to hold and express an opinion on a public discussion forum.

Perhaps rather than being subject to libel like this - I should be given some credit for NEVER responding in kind to stuff like this (there is more).

Subject: RE: Personal attack thread - please delete
From: Joe Offer
Date: 11-Jun-04 - 12:01 AM
Max, Jeff, and Joe were off doing other things today, and missed this one. It's a personal attack, and it isn't allowed. Since so many have posted to it, I guess I won't delete it - but I will close it. This is one of the "no-brainers" that the Clones should have deleted early on, no matter what Shambles thinks. Clones, don't let Shambles care you off - you're doing a good job, but you should have deleted this and told us about it.
Bob, I'm sorry this happened.
Shambles, go whine somewhere else, or maybe we should start threads about you and the sheep or something.
-Joe Offer-

Subject: RE: Personal attack thread - please delete
From: Joe Offer
Date: 11-Jun-04 - 12:29 AM
I could delete Bob's name, but I doubt that would do any good. the damage has been done. The thread should have been deleted as soon as it appeared, and I'm sorry that didn't happen.
But Shambles believes in this sort of thing, so I think that maybe this would be a good opportunity to smear his reputation.
Shambles, I'm sick of you and your shit.
-Joe Offer-

Subject: RE: Personal attack thread - please delete
From: Joe Offer
Date: 12-Jun-04 - 03:23 AM
Ah, Shambles - we make an exception for you, since you seem to think it's a good thing to have personal attacks. We want to keep you happy, after all. Your whining is so annoying.
-Joe Offer-

The facts are ALL on the forum and can easily be refreshed. This will show posters if any trust is misplaced?

Censorship on Mudcat

As For Catspaw's posted Rules.

You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any applicable laws.

A look at the thread I linked to will show that nearly all of Catspaw's post there will break these rules..........So bring it on.