The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79714   Message #1447338
Posted By: Tannywheeler
30-Mar-05 - 07:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: You will believe anything if you believe
Subject: RE: BS: You will believe anything if you believe
Uniden. Guest, I'm Protestant Episcopal, 'cause that was the name of my grandmother's church.
There is only one God. Jesus came to teach us about It. We are all part of It.
Was it in "Alice In Wonderland" or "Through The Looking-Glass" someone says something about trying to believe 6 impossible things before breakfast?
Two microscopic blobs of jelly get stuck together. Nine months later a new human being is born. Fingers, toes, bellybutton, voice, eyes, ears -- how can anyone deny miracles? Each one of us is one.
We put shit in our yard (pardon me, composted cow manure) and get incredible roses and green beans. The earth takes in trash and waste and gives back beauty, food, oxygen -- our minds may search out the technical process, but that doesn't negate the FACT of the miraculous.                                 Tw