The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79726   Message #1447379
Posted By: The Shambles
30-Mar-05 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat censorship - a proposal
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat censorship - a proposal
My proposal would reflect what I believe Max's is... what the Café is really all about, in the end... self-censorship.

I agree. But you will see many posts that will not agree. For some of the worst culprits maintain this self-censorship is just too difficult for them to manage - even when so many are already doing this and by doing so - providing the space for them to indulge. themselves.

But if this example is not first set, practiced and encouraged by those few here who would feel qualified to judge the rest of us - it is not going to happen is it?