The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79210   Message #1447573
Posted By: GUEST
31-Mar-05 - 01:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dilemma
Subject: RE: BS: Dilemma
Go for a swmin, Mr. Fat Bastard, but include a decriminating crew that can recognize a miny bederhan from a floating kelly fish.


You simple ask of MudCat Sarendipity your thread has drawn together some of the most worthy of swim in the briney drink......(their refusal - shows their real MC status.

Rapaire chooses a Fairy but he will be there

Raedwolf give one day.
Azzizzi - blows the reedsa and is comfortable with week.
WYSIWYG - wlll be moving and groving when Seamus becomse a HardMan
Seamus Kennedy - does not appear to give a hoot.

Laweremce Welk is on the list.
Azzizi - fells inferior to Frog Prince - but if they both feel the light may glow.....but the frog's issues are polka 2/4 and Azzizi is a syncopated tango.
Carol C - Is a Jewish Newflounder - You tales Prim from the oarlocks of her Boston Whaler - seaweed for the bitter root, salt from you from, the roasted bone of the oarlock, combined with mortor of chinks that keeps her afloat.
DonT. recognizing his wife is a gold-digger has headed off (Just gotten head) towards the Yukon.

