The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79256   Message #1447826
Posted By: JennyO
31-Mar-05 - 08:52 AM
Thread Name: Hey! I CAN sing!
Subject: RE: Hey! I CAN sing!
Miguel was at one of the stairwell sessions, but I don't think he came up to the singing room at all. I don't remember seeing him there anyway.

Yes, the song is called "Three Score and Ten". It's in the DT.


Methinks I see a host of craft
Spreading their sails alee
Down the Humber they do glide
All bound for the Northern Sea
Me thinks I see on each small craft
A crew with hearts so brave
Going out to earn their daily bread
Upon the restless wave

And it's three score and ten
Boys and men were lost from Grimsby town
From Yarmouth down to Scarboro
Many hundreds more were drowned
Our herring craft, our trawlers
Our fishing smacks, as well
They long defied that bitter night
And battled with the swell

Methinks I see them yet again
As they leave this land behind
Casting their nets into the sea
The herring shoals to find
Me thinks I see them yet again
They're all on board all right
With their nets rolled up and their decks cleaned off
And the side lights burning bright

Me thinks I've heard the captain say
"Me lads we'll shorten sail"
With the sky to all appearances
Looks like an approaching gale
Me thinks I see them yet again
Midnight hour is past
The little craft abattling there
Against the icy blast

October's night brought such a sight
Twas never seen before
There were mast and yards and broken spars
A washing on the shore
There were many a heart in sorrow
Many a heart so brave
There were many a fine and hearty lad
That met a watery grave

recorded on Clancy Bros Songs of the Sea and Bok et al on
Turning toward the Morning

It's a great song - I heard it sung (and joined in) a number of times through the festival, and didn't mind at all that we sang it twice that night. It was very rewarding to see that man's pleasure when we sang it. Mind you, by that time, some of us had got a bit silly and had developed the bad habit of slapping our hands on our knees every time the words "fishing smacks as well" came round :-)
