The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79714   Message #1447903
Posted By: Donuel
31-Mar-05 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: You will believe anything if you believe
Subject: RE: BS: You will believe anything if you believe
Almost all our commonly accepted beliefs of reality are wrong, or will be proven wrong in time.

Having adopted a Shamanistic view of the world at age 15, I have found I can see things that other people may not. If you do not have a framework or mindset to see certain things, they will be invisible to you. Some of these different ways of seeing are important to survival itself but many are banal.

Seeing one thing at two places at once with the naked eye is a reality but seldom recognized by most people. Anytime something is sufficiently alien or different from all your collected experiences or learned possibilities - it will be virtually invisible to you.

Different or expanded ways of seeing are neither good or bad and offer no guarantee of being a happier or more well adjusted person.
Just as a mathmatician might see a matrix in nature, it is not always an intrinsic advantage to the mathmatician to see a certain reality.

How far you wish to pursue an expanded view of reality is up to you but there is always a point where it is convienent to turn back to enjoy the reality of the familiar.

Should you pursue a path into realities new to you?
Is it worth it?
It is.
But be prepared to not be believed.

For example: