The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15604   Message #144866
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
05-Dec-99 - 02:48 AM
Thread Name: From Pills to Purge Melancholy
Subject: RE: From Pills to Purge Melancholy
If someone was running a better web site than this, my guess is we would all,Bullshitters and Music Purists alike, be there instead of bitching at each other in this thread. If gargoyle wanted to put together a site strictly devoted to Folk/Blues, I'm sure he has the know-how to do it. Then everyone who wanted to stay away from any ramblings into extraneous matters like sex,jokes,philosophy and politics could find a sanctuary there. But until he does, my suggestion is to look at this place as the best of both worlds, and not a conflict between the two. I believe Max enjoys the mix of people and viewpoints in this forum, approves of it's direction, and I for one am not going to stand for any other person appointing himself arbiter of the discussions and declaring threads acceptable or not acceptable.

AND I think we can have reasonable arguments and differences of opinion here as long as some mutual respect is shown. If you have a strong difference of opinion with someone, I suggest that you send them a personal message rather than airing it in the forum- insults and humiliation breed returns in kind.

LEJ(now preparing a personal message)