The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79726   Message #1448921
Posted By: George Papavergis
01-Apr-05 - 08:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat censorship - a proposal
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat censorship - a proposal
It's time to come clean. It's past 12 noon in the UK, but I kept quiet a little longer, for the sake of our brethren across the Atlantic.

I hereby retract completely and ureservedly all comments made by myself in this guise during the last 10 days or so since I "joined". Of course I still stand by everything I said in this and other threads under my normal "handle".

I didn't set out to prove anything other than the fact that we all have "buttons" that when pressed elicit predictable reactions. That is as valid for Roger as it is for Brucie or anyone else - myself included. I pressed a few buttons, and the reactions came as per the textbook. I put up a thread on censorship and all the usual suspects came to join, to the extent that the other thread on the same subject nearly fell off the bottom of the list. The humourists were humorous, and the serious ones were intense.

This little joke of mine was not directed at anyone specifically - everybody fell into the trap; in fact, I suspect that even now that I declared myself to be "false", the thread will continue under the momentum of the passions of the participants, as Susan (WYSIWIG) predicts. That's life.

But take a moment's break from the seriousness and smile at the predictability of us all.

Who am I? Ah, but that would be telling... I'll let you ponder on that for an hour or so.
