The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65794   Message #1449587
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
01-Apr-05 - 07:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Migraine sufferers, advice please?
Subject: RE: BS: Migraine sufferers, advice please?
I have suffered from wicked headaches for many years. They seem to have more than one cause.

One problem with headaches is that doctors seem to call any headache which is seriously painful a migraine. This may be incorrect. For example, one night I woke in such pain that sat up in bed and wept. And then, somehow, it came to me that the great pain was merely a cramp in one of the muscles that attaches my head to my neck. What a relief to know that it was not air pressure, sinuses, something I ate or an emotional problem.

Now when I sense that muscles are involved, I use Aspercreme. A nurse recommended it to me, and she knew what she was talking about. When my neck and shoulders feel like someone is tightening them with a winch, I rub Aspercreme in. It often helps. Also, it can't upset your stomach.

Black Walnut, you spoke of a jackhammer drilling into the left side of your head. Try Aspercreme for that. There is a group of long, thin muscles that attaches to your skull at your temples, and if they are stressed, that may create that drilling sensation.

Another thing I can tell you is that no prescription medicine has ever done a thing for my headaches.

Dropping air pressure, especially a wet, cold front is a factor, too. One night River City had a tornado (talk about low pressure!) and I had to be taken to the hospital. (Turned out I had migraine plus the flu.) I asked a fellow sufferer about that night, and she said, "I thought I was going to die!"

Anybody know why low pressure causes such problems?