The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140   Message #145100
Posted By: fox4zero
05-Dec-99 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: Singers Title: Bible Story with Deck of Cards
Subject: RE: Singers Title: Bible Story with Deck of Cards

Abbridge, Rick & Zorro: I am sure that the version which was popular in the late 1940's and early 1950's was song by T. Texas Tyler. It was one of those sentimental songs at the end of a romantic era, which means it preceded rock & roll. In this version a US soldier was playing cards when he should have been attending to some assigned official duty. The provost marshall tells him that unless he has an explanation, "he would be pumished as no man has ever been punished before". He then explains that his deck of cards is a bible, almanac and prayer book. Its really edifying to learn the early Brittish roots of this song.
