The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79856   Message #1451251
Posted By: Bobert
03-Apr-05 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Stove (range, oven) question...
Subject: RE: BS: Stove (range, oven) question...

What great advice for the glass top! Thanks so much...can't wait to try it on the spot I produced the very first time I used the thing and had no idea how picky it could be. The various opinions are just amazing and varied and Bob and I have much to research in the coming month or two. I so appreciate you guys taking time to respond; it's so helpful and I'm encouraged that we're not alone in this whole huge looming project. Wow. I'd love to simplify and not have so much stuff sitting around and really don't love sitting here researching but would welcome any ideas for same. We have to build out a bedroom with walk-in closet, 3/4 bath (with shower only) and kitchen/dining/great room enclosed with glass on 3 sides.   Like we weren't busy enough before this!!! Not to mention bringing 3/4 acre of plants, trees and shrubs and perennials to some sort of heeling bed situation until I can design a plan for them all. I'm sort of overwhelmed...can you tell?

P-Vine (Eve, for real)