The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79895   Message #1451916
Posted By: LilyFestre
04-Apr-05 - 02:51 PM
Thread Name: Festival Question/Workshops
Subject: RE: Festival Question/Workshops
Hey LF,

   There are some weekend workshops that DO offer a variety of different workshops for different levels. I'm headed to one myself towards the end of May. I have no idea what my level is except that it is NOT advanced. My husband is a beginning guitar player (7 months into lessons). We are both going to start at the beginner's workshops and if they don't fit, we'll move forward until we land where we think we belong. The weekend has been well planned including workshops for all levels and even some for those who don't play/sing...more informational. I believe the coordinators have done an outstanding job and have recruited people to specifically teach at each level. Having never been to such a thing, I can't wait to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!
