The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78638   Message #1452371
Posted By: JennieG
05-Apr-05 - 04:09 AM
Thread Name: Oz Catters meet @ 2005 National Festival
Subject: RE: Oz Catters meet @ 2005 National Festival
I saw some of their Sunday night act in the Palladium, they were very entertaining! Amazing outfits too.

One band that I would have liked to have heard but missed, except for about 3 minutes, was the New Holland Honeyeaters. When I heard them (while I was waiting in a coffee queue) they were singing an old ragtime song....I like ragtime.

"Got a ragtime dog and a ragtime cat,
Ragtime piano in a ragtime flat' etc.

JennieG....slowly coming back to life after that rotten illness...even had to take time off work last week (bummer! *grin*)