The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79956   Message #1453272
Posted By: hesperis
05-Apr-05 - 11:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: What you *were* going to do in life?....
Subject: RE: BS: What you *were* going to do in life?....
Well, when I was less than 3 years old I wanted to be a world-famous composer and definitely did not want to be a world-famous piano player. Later I wanted to be a ballet dancer, but decided I didn't like suffering in order to dance... I wanted to dance for the enjoyment of it and not worry about performance and strict standards of what is beauty.

I wanted to be a wife and have a wonderful husband and family. Some of that's happened and some hasn't.

Then after high school was over I really wanted to be a professional jazz French Hornist... but could only afford a flute. And all I could play on flute without buying a ton of music were the old songs that my mother and I used to sing. So I got into this folk music kick and that hasn't stopped.

Then I discovered computers, and they ruled. And I discovered computer games and realized that in the field of computer game production, I could use all my generalist knowledge of art, music, programming, and writing, and my love of pulling creative threads together into a finished project with a team... in just one job.

And now, I compose music and songs, have created 2 CDs over time, have material for at least 5 more CDs if I can only find a place to live long enough to record them, and have friends all over the world who love my music. I'm also a Sacred Circle Dance teacher and a web host and a web designer, and just produced my first completed game with friends. (It's oldskool and kinda amateurish, but rather cute for all that.) Just wish I would earn enough money with all of those to have a nice place for myself and my husband to live.

Not bad for being sick a lot, eh?