The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79956   Message #1453865
Posted By: Phot
06-Apr-05 - 06:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: What you *were* going to do in life?....
Subject: RE: BS: What you *were* going to do in life?....
I always wanted to be a Farrier, but I could'nt get an apprenticeship when I left school, so I worked in a heating suppliers as a warehouse man, my Mum saw an advert that the RAF were looking for stores personnell so I applied.....And became an aircraft engineer. I loved the job, but was made redundant by Maggie Thatcher, so wound up driving a bus for two and a half years before joining the Royal Navy, doing pretty much the same thing I had done in the RAF. But when the RN started mucking me around I thought sod it! And became a photographer in the RN, great job, lots of toys (Helecopters, Destroyers, Frigates, Cameras) lots of creative oppertunities....Stress, high blood pressure, deadlines......

Still want to be a Farrier though, and drive a pair of heavy horses to the plough.......

Wassail! Chris