The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1893   Message #1454305
Posted By: Mr Happy
07-Apr-05 - 08:38 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Knees Up Mother Brown
Subject: Lyr Add: KNEES UP, MOTHER BROWN! (Weston, Lee)
Harris Weston and Bert Lee (1939)

Knees up, muvver Brahn,
Knees up, muvver Brahn,
Under the table you must go,
Ee eye ee eye ee eye oh!
If I catch you bending
I'll saw your legs right orf!, SO!
Knees up knees up,
Don't get the breeze up,
Knees up, muvver Brahn!

Oh, my, What a rotten song,
What a rotten song,
What a rotten song,
Oh, my, What a rotten song,
And what a rotten singer too!

It's coming by degrees,
It's coming by degrees,
Got the table, got the chair,
Evryfink for a babe to wear,
Got the soap and flannel
To wash it's dirty knees,
We 'aven't got the baby yet,
But it's coming by degrees!

Oh, my, What a rotten song,

Give it to the girl next door,
Give it to the girl next door;
She goes in for luxuries,
She can 'ave it if she pleases,
I don' wannit, I tole you so before!
Take it away, take it away,
Give it to the girl next door

Oh, my, What a rotten song,
Pickin' all the big ones aht,
Pickin' all the big ones aht,
Oh you should 'a seen me face fulla wrinkles
When I saw me pennyworth 'a winkles.
All the big ones gorn!
It made me rave an' shaht!
My ole woman an' seven little kids,
Pickin' all the big ones aht!

Oh, my, What a rotten song,

Knees up, muvver Brahn,
Knees up, muvver Brahn,
Under the table you must go,
Ee eye ee eye ee eye oh!
If I catch you bending
I'll saw your legs right orf!, SO!
Knees up knees up,
Don't get the breeze up,
Knees up, muvver Brahn!

Traditional Party Song

There came a girl from France
Who didn't know how to dance
The only thing that she could do
Was knees up Mother Brown

Oh, knees up Mother Brown
Knees up Mother Brown
Knees up, knees up, never let the breeze up,
Knees up Mother Brown

Oh, hopping on one foot
Hopping on one foot
Hopping, hopping, never stopping
Hopping on one foot

Oh, knees up Mother Brown
Knees up Mother Brown
Knees up, knees up, never let the breeze up,
Knees up Mother Brown

Oh, prancing up and down
Prancing up and down
Prancing, prancing, never dancing
Prancing up and down

Oh, knees up Mother Brown
Knees up Mother Brown
Knees up, knees up, never let the breeze up,
Knees up Mother Brown

And whirling round and round
Whirling round and round
Whirling, whirling, never twirling
Whirling round and round

Oh, knees up Mother Brown
Knees up Mother Brown
Knees up, knees up, never let the breeze up,
Knees up Mother Brown