The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80040   Message #1455251
Posted By: GUEST,Jon
08-Apr-05 - 08:04 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Migildi magildi English translation req
Subject: Migildi magildi English translation req
An English version of this song was added to folkinfo a couple of weeks ago and a second set of English words were added. I found a set of Welsh words but I don't think they match either of the English sets. Could someone translate this into Engish for me? Thanks.


Ffeind a difyr ydyw gweled,
Migldi magldi, hei, now, now.
Drws yr efail yn agored,
Migldi magldi, hei, now, now.
Ar go' bach a'i wyneb purddu,
Migldi magldi, hei, now, now.
Yn yr efail yn prysur chwythu,
Migldi magldi, hei, now, now.

Ffeind a difyr hirnos gaea'
Migldi magldi, hei, now, now.
Mynd i'r efail am y cynta';
Migldi magldi, hei, now, now.
Pan fo rhew ac eira allan
Migldi magldi, hei, now, now.
Gorau pwynt fydd wrth y pentan,
Migldi magldi, hei, now, now.

Ffeind a braf yw sŵn y fegin,
Migldi magldi, hei, now, now.
Gwrando chwedl, cân ac englyn,
Migldi magldi, hei, now, now.
Pan fo'r cwmni yn ei afiaith,
Migldi magldi, hei, now, now.
Ceir hanesion llawer noswaith,
Migldi magldi, hei, now, now.

Pan ddaw'r môr i ben y mynydd,
Migldi magldi, hei, now, now.
A'i ddwy ymyl at ei gilydd,
Migldi magldi, hei, now, now.
A'r coed rhosys yn dwyn 'fala,
Migldi magldi, hei, now, now.
Dyna'r pryd y cei di finna',
Migldi magldi, hei, now, now.