The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80050   Message #1455560
Posted By: John MacKenzie
08-Apr-05 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can we discuss the Class system in UK?
Subject: RE: BS: Can we discuss the CLass system in UK?
Curiously enough Jimmy the only definition of class these days seems to be people with a decent income and a mortgage, who proudly claim to be working class. Class here used to be definitive, and was the measure of one set of people by another. Nowadays so many people from what used to be regarded as working class backgrounds have all the attributes of what used to be upper class, like a university degree, and a mortgage. There is still a lingering resentment of the 'upper classes' by self styled 'working class people', but so many of the people perceived by them as 'upper class' are in fact from a similar background to themselves, just that they've made good. As the days of the Cabots and the Lodges are disappearing in the US, so are class definitions becoming the stuff of history in the UK.
We are in the age of the meritocracy, and a damn good thing too!