The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80050   Message #1455880
Posted By: jacqui.c
08-Apr-05 - 10:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can we discuss the Class system in UK?
Subject: RE: BS: Can we discuss the CLass system in UK?
The UK class system is not as rigid as the Indian caste system. It is possible to move between the classes, both up and down.

I think that, overall, education in particular has led to a bit of blurring of the lines here. A bright kid from what was called a working class background can get to university and move up in the 'ratings' more easily than might have been the case 50 or 100 years ago.

Money helps as well. As happened in the 18th and 19th century when tradesmen and factory owners made their money, enabling their children and grandchildren to move more easily into the higher echelons so today's Nouveau Riche will give their children easier access to that area.

Whether any of this upward striving is really worthwhile must be up to the individual. In this day and age can we say that the 'upper classes' are any happier or more fulfilled than the rest of us?