The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79956   Message #1456351
Posted By: CharleyR
09-Apr-05 - 02:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: What you *were* going to do in life?....
Subject: RE: BS: What you *were* going to do in life?....
I'm just about to start at the beginning of all this... I finish my university course in 9 weeks' time, first of all I'm just looking forward to not being a student any more! I have no burning desire to follow any particular career path. Recently I have considered library work or translation, at the moment I think I would like to work in a musical instruments shop. What I would most like to do with my life is play music like I'm doing already and grab any other musical opportunities that come up, be better friends with some of the people I know and probably get married sometime in the next few years.

It's like I'm totally free to choose where I want to go and what I want to do, I could do anything, but I think I want to stay where I am and play music. I've ended up in a great city for music and nice folky people and I'm not sure I could find that in many other places. Of course what I'm 'supposed' to do is be a 'graduate management trainee' in some big company or other and be prepared to move round the country and beyond trying to climb the career ladder (according to all the careers websites) but I think the 'career' ideas have now become 'day job' ideas - I just want to find a job I don't dislike doing that makes enough money to live on, and play music the rest of the time.   

Still, university served its purpose for me, which was keeping me off the dole for four years and letting me meet lots of musicians and form bands. Immediate plans after getting university out of the way are to play gigs and return to busking for a bit while I try and find a day job and work out what I want to be when I grow up...
