The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80050   Message #1456453
Posted By: HuwG
09-Apr-05 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can we discuss the Class system in UK?
Subject: RE: BS: Can we discuss the CLass system in UK?
In World War II Britain, a GI gets on a crowded train. There are no vacant seats, but a woman has her poodle on one next to her.

"Pardon me, ma'am, but may I use that seat ?" says the yank.

"Certainly not !", she says. "Can't you see that it's taken by my darling Fifi ? How rude and uncouth you Americans are !"

The unfortunate GI goes from end to end of the train, checking every compartment, but every other seat is occupied. He goes back to the woman. "I beg your pardon ma'am, but I have several hours' journey to make to join my unit, there are no other seats free, and I am sure the dog hasn't paid for its ticket. May I use that seat ?"

"I have told you once, my Fifi is occupying it. I am surprised at your sheer effrontery."

The GI opens the window, throws the pampered dog through it and sits down. The woman turns to the rest of the compartment and demands that somebody shows the GI exactly what they think of him. A retired officer stands up, clears his throat and says, "Sir, I have noticed that you Americans do much that we find foreign to our ways. You drive, for example, on the wrong side of the road. You eat with the fork held in the wrong hand. And now Sir, you have just thrown the wrong bitch through the window."