The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80050   Message #1456543
Posted By: GUEST
09-Apr-05 - 05:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can we discuss the Class system in UK?
Subject: RE: BS: Can we discuss the CLass system in UK?
The movement of the soup spoon is away from one.
Cutlery is generally used from the outside in.
The napkin is used across the lap and folded after use.
Wine is not tasted before being poured for the guests (it, and the cork may be inspected).
Salt is used with a salt spoon.
Food is served from the left, and the dishes removed from the right.
Side orders, french fries, large beef steaks, salad with everything, are frowned upon at the British table.

Lower classes don't follow this, but they do aspire to it. Middle classes adhere to it. Upper classes adhere to it but don't realise that the rulse exist - it's just what is.