The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80080   Message #1456901
Posted By: Alba
10-Apr-05 - 06:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: John Paul II's Legacy
Subject: RE: BS: John Paul II's Legacy
The context of Clinton's remark, as he explained in a interview, was that in some ways John Paul II held Liberal views as in feeding the World Poor and his anti-War stand while at the same time holding strict Conservative views regarding Pro Life, Homosexuality ect.
I agree with President Clinton's comments.
John Paul II does leave a mixed Legacy.

It was a remark taken from a discussion while travelling to the Pope's Funeral on Air Force 1 and was, as is the Media's want, reported out of context.
If Folks are going to use comments from President Clinton who has stated his admiration for the Late Pope in a very articulate manner, it would be better if they did it with his actual comments and not a sound byte....

Just a thought:>)