The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80080   Message #1456939
Posted By: wysiwyg
10-Apr-05 - 07:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: John Paul II's Legacy
Subject: Whose Job Is It?
The tone I have been hearing from folks blaming the Pope for the failings of the human race feels a lot to me like the blame folks aim at God-- "How could He let [this] happen?" My recollection is that God gave this world to US to care for responsibly, offered to help us run it, left a pretty good owner's manual, reminded us often to be good to our fellow human beans, stands ready at all times to offer wisdom and power, grieves when we do such a poor job, and loves us regardless.

We disregard all that, preferring to define, for His job description, the job He gave to US!

Mudcat is so defensive of late I am sure plenty of folks here will conclude that I am addressing them specifically, or offering to debate. I'm not. I'm just commenting on an observation. And oh yeah-- not just observations of Mudcat, but (gasp) in life! ;~)
