The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80101   Message #1457984
Posted By: Donuel
11-Apr-05 - 10:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: On The Madness of Mass Belief
Subject: RE: BS: On The Madness of Mass Belief
Since I was a kid the most cowardly and ignorant phrase I have heard repeated by people has been "its God's will".

Now NBC will be introducing their new "reality"/fantasy series 'Revelation' The end of days. Pandering to Red State redneck "religious" values as well as the teenage horror audience is most likely the programing strategy.

On the other hand, when a population is conditioned to expect a hellish turn of events involving massive death in the name of God's will, the ruling class maintains a buffer zone of "We are innocent - It's God's will!".

There is no doubt that this is not God's will but rather religio-political propoganda.