The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80101   Message #1458019
Posted By: John Hardly
11-Apr-05 - 11:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: On The Madness of Mass Belief
Subject: RE: BS: On The Madness of Mass Belief well as a source for public charity, excellence, productivity, and welfare.

That their basis cannot be proven does not diminish their usefulness. You assume that the same level of cultural morality and caring would continue minus religions. I do not accept that assumption. You accept (without evidence -- it's never happened) that "it is not needed to resolve the issues". I disagree.

I think, and have said many times, that democracy is not threatened by religion because it is highly impobable that those issues that are utterly idiosyncratic to a specific religion will ever pass muster with the general voting populace.

On the other hand, the religious are a good moral compass and influence to keep democracy from meeting expression only in the pragmatic. And the religions do not have to, themselves, be in total agreement with each other to have their moral influence benefit the community.