The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80101   Message #1458250
Posted By: mandoleer
11-Apr-05 - 04:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: On The Madness of Mass Belief
Subject: RE: BS: On The Madness of Mass Belief
A lot of past famous secularists have probably had to conceal the fact that they were otherwise they would haven't lasted long enough to become famous. I don't particularly care what religion any person is so long as they don't try to convert me, or make me live by their god's rules without those rules being reasonable and subject to review. Not review by the priests in charge, that is. Not a good idea. Nor is having priests in charge. People have always abdicated their responsibilities - someone took on the physical defence of the community and became a king, someone else took on the religious defence of the community and became a priest. And both of them took over the people's powers of thought, in the main. (Later, doctors and psychiatrists came in as well.) And then came the leaders of fashion, so that people didn't have to think about what to wear, or what to dance, and so on. OK - not easy to find another system. Especially when people can't even meet in a place like this without flaming each other! But we CAN still let the buggers know that we are here, and that we CAN think, and we CAN vote them out. The fashion leaders have lost - once everyone followed the same trends. Now they don't. Next for the priests and politicians (my apologies for swearing).