The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79058   Message #1458472
Posted By: Lanfranc
11-Apr-05 - 07:20 PM
Thread Name: Hertford (UK) Wednesday Sessions
Subject: RE: Hertford (UK) Wednesday Sessions
The sixth Wednesday in the month always falls on the 12th of never.

The third Wednesday of the month used to be Bank of England reporting day when I worked in a Bank.

Sheffield Wednesday is the only football team named for a day of the week.

Paul Simon wrote a song called "Wednesday Morning 3am" which was the title of one of his early albums.

"Wednesday's child is full of woe!" - Nonsense, I was born on a Wednesday!

Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, is the first Wenesday after Quinquagesima Sunday.

Wednesday in German is Mittwoch - literally "mid week"

In Latin, Wednesday was DIES MERCURII, which became the French Mercredi...

Nowadays, the best place to enjoy a civilised session on a Wednesday evening is at Chauncy Court, Hertford - see you there?
