The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80135   Message #1458983
Posted By: Azizi
12-Apr-05 - 09:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
Megan L said
"dinny be daft lassie abody kens a chippie is a joiner and no o dislocated bits either :) "

Work with me here, Megan.

I think I correctly translated this much of your response into one form of informal African American talk:
'Don't be silly, girlfriend! Everybody {add "and her mother" if you
want to emphasize the 'everybody'} knows a ?????...

then you completely lost me.

Not that this has anything to do with the price of beans in Boston [meaning "Not that this has anything to do with the subject of this thread"].

But, let's face it. Sometimes English can be a foreign language.
Learning about the ways people in different English speaking nations {or within the same nation} say the same thing can be so interesting.

Thanks for putting up with this thread drift.