The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15935   Message #145934
Posted By: Cleigh O'Possum
07-Dec-99 - 07:47 AM
Thread Name: bbc tooting her own horn
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
Dear Ms. bbc,

I can't toot myself and I know that the way I'm tooted is disgusting to you, but I hope you'll still accept my thanks for including me in the Mudcat Photo Album. Being a little clay possum, I can understand why you didn't really want to give me my own picture page, but I am sooo glad you did and I hope that now you don't mind having me among my many friends at Mudcat.

Cletus is always being mean to me since he got arrested for peeping in Ms. Jeri's windows and the nice policeman didn't make me go to jail too. Cletus had to go to the Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed for "Malfeasance with a Marsupial" and has been mean to me ever since he got back. He even threatens me with his tiple! I show him my picture page and he goes away, but he says really terrible things as he does. So again, thank you very much.


Cleigh O'Possum