The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80101   Message #1459419
Posted By: Amos
12-Apr-05 - 05:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: On The Madness of Mass Belief
Subject: RE: BS: On The Madness of Mass Belief

It is is disingenuous and manipulative to dismiss Moyer's piece as mere opinion, because he also describes exactly what facts and conditions he bases his opinion on, while Limbaugh, to use your example, often has none, or fabricates them to suit his needs. In fact to make such a comparison is ridiculous, if not covertly destructive of decent discourse.

The rising up of the evangelical right is one of the most destructive elements to the fundamental well-being of the republic since the red-baiting of the 50's or the union-busting murders of the Thirties. It is oppressive to discourse, suppresses dissent, seeks to enforce religion on the commons of the nation, and inhibits the ordinary liberties of citizens. It is -- from the point of view of our mostly fundamental doctrines -- heretical and anti-social. ANy extremism is, whether from John Birch, Rockwell, the Klan, or the anarchists of hippiedom. Makes no diff -- the effect these groups have on the great middle of American life is usually dampened out by ordinary democratic and judiciary process. But that was before they bought a President and started shooting at judges.

I would be ashamed to have anything to do with it and I think Moyers is completely right to speak out against it.