The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17451   Message #1460362
Posted By: s6k
13-Apr-05 - 05:00 PM
Thread Name: Blues vs Rap
Subject: RE: Blues vs Rap
i like blues AND rap.

and chuck D from public enemy recently remade electric Mud (muddy waters) with all the original band because he says how blues is such an influence on him.

for all the idiots on this thread who are saying rap is shit, bla bla, rap is all about beating women, bla bla, you are saying this because of what the media has told you, not what you know from actually doing investigation of lyrics etc.

Yes there is a lot of rap around about "bitches" and "hoes" etc, but this is the equivalent of pop music to real rock music - it is a blight on the landscape of music.

you dont have to hate rap because you like blues, idiots. There are plenty of rap artists around who write meaningful lyrics and political issues etc, such as public enemy, in an extremely intelligent manner. You just dont know this because you dont want to admit that youre wrong, or you cant be arsed to actually find out something about the history of rap music before you start typing down your STUPID thoughts.

why dont you actually do some research before you post stupid comments and tar the entire history of rap music down to "its all about beating women"

music is supposed to unite people, and there are plenty of rap artists who are heavily influenced by blues music, as there are plenty of fans of rap and blues together.

if you havent researched rap, and dont know the first thing about it, then i dont personally know how you even dare put your pathetic arguments forward

and if this message comes across as angry, it is because i am sick to death of people who know nothing about rap and its history coming onto rap threads in mudcat and saying its shit with no valid argument whatsoever, just because they think they are above it because they listen to blues and folk.

i like run dmc, cypress hill, robert johnson, blind willie mctell, i could go on.
both genres can live together and add their own parts of history