The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80229   Message #1460716
Posted By: Azizi
14-Apr-05 - 01:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brucie's thread
Subject: RE: BS: Brucie's thread

I'm tryin to makes sense of the clues.

You wanted to start a thread because two other 'Catters [who have names beginning with 'B'} started a thread about race. One is about racial groups and the other is about a contest.

[Maybe the fact that the other thread starters and your name begins with a B is just a coincidence- but I've read that there's no such thing as coincidence. Maybe that's true and maybe it's not.]

Then you say your thread was supposed to be called Brucie's ACE thread.

You include a hyperlink of a card showing Aces.

And you say the OTHER end.

Do you mean the finish line?

"Ace" used to be a slang expression for best..

Do you mean that your thread will be the best? Or the person who wins your contest will ace out the others??

Oh the mystery of it all...

Am I getting hotter?