The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80107   Message #1462217
Posted By: Auggie
15-Apr-05 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: How many Mudcatters shop at Wal Mart?
Subject: RE: BS: How many Mudcatters shop at Wal Mart?
Thank you Michelle, for covering half of what I was going to post.
I too, would be led to believe Dianavan does not have a working knowledge of what life is like in an area similar to mine (sell my car?-there is no public transportation out here in the boonies sweetheart, nor for that matter is there anyone who sells Lattes). In fact, I often wonder if she lives on the same planet, but regardless Diana, your response misses my (perhaps poorly made) point entirely.
How are we to know who is truly a "good corporate citizen"?
Yes, we often are informed of the bad ones, but who is to say the others aren't worse, only hiding behind a PR veneer of civic respectability. The mom and pop examples I referred to look to the casual observer like they are straight out of Mayberry, however if they were examined with the same level of scrutiny Wal Mart is, they would come off looking considerably worse.
In short, it ain't that simple to tell the good guys from the bad guys, and neither size nor friendliness is a valid indicator of ethical behavior.