The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80206   Message #1462573
Posted By: ranger1
15-Apr-05 - 07:07 PM
Thread Name: Books: What have people been reading recently?
Subject: RE: BS: Books
Yeah, Nevada Barr is up there on my reading list. I can identify with Anna, being a female park ranger of relatively short stature, and all. I've had to resort to re-reading them, 'cause I read faster than Nevada Barr can write 'em. As to the method in which my books are kept: on the shelves, in piles on the floor, in boxes in storage, behind the seat of my truck, under the couch, etc. I try to keep the ones on the shelves in some semblance of order, but chaos reigns in our teeny apartment. The only books that I manage to keep organized are the natural history books. They have pride of place in a wooden crate all their own.