The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80292   Message #1462710
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
15-Apr-05 - 11:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Good Bye, Wes Ginny.....
Subject: RE: BS: Good Bye, Wes Ginny.....
Yeah, Bob, I heard about Mr. Othar's goat roast whut his fambly an' friends is keepin' alive.

An' there's that other goat "roast" over in Pelahatchie, Mississippi whut khing khnum khnutz khandu haz mentioned a time er two. Sumfin' t' do with Lady Goatdiva ridin' a billygoat down Mainstreet an' wearin' nothin' but a smile. An' that's only th' warmup event. Thay's sum purty strange people whut likes t' hang aroun' goats. Watch y'self aroun' them new neighbors now, ya heah? We don' wanna be readin' about Boberdz in the "News Of Th' Weird".