The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80169   Message #1463318
Posted By: GUEST,Murray on Salt Spring
17-Apr-05 - 12:47 AM
Thread Name: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
Robo is quite right on most counts. The response of the crowd [how many?] was not polite, and maybe out of place; but then the request for silence was also out of place. Those who compare the Pope to malign folk like Hitler are not so far off the mark. JPII was a bigoted hard-line conservative who didn't like the reforms of his church and made several plain statements (armed with Papal infallibility, no less) that tried to turn the clock back. Look it up.

That said, I as a football-scorning Scot have to deprecate the hooligans who made rude noises. As someone else says above there's a lot of sheer stupidity from football roughnecks, and European clubs have as poor an opinion of British fans as the world does of Bush.