The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15975   Message #146430
Posted By: bseed(charleskratz)
08-Dec-99 - 03:01 AM
Thread Name: 'Spaw in the Stars
Subject: RE: 'Spaw in the Stars
A stellar performance, Patsclaw. "Music police," indeed. (I was at a song circle at Dave and Pam Swan's last night--Pam called me to the phone and I'm wondering "Who in the hell knew I'd be here [my wife did, but she didn't have the phone number]? I got to the phone, said hello, and some geek on the other end said, "This is the music police. We have reports that you've been performing lewd and lascivious acts with a banjo..." I of course am left speechless until Catspaw identifies himself. I should have guessed it was him, having invited him and the former Little Neo to the party...but what a great surprise. I'd never heard his voice before. The song session? Superlative. Absofockinglutely fabulacious. Dave and Pam can walk on water. Dave and his partners in Oak, Ash and Thorn create wonderful harmonies, Pam did the most exquisite "The Farmer's Curst Wife" you can imagine, and the other participants were supercallifragilisticfockingallidocious.
