The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80337   Message #1464450
Posted By: Once Famous
18-Apr-05 - 01:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: The New Anti-semitism
Subject: RE: BS: The New Anti-semitism
No bobert, it is you who are ignorant and very unkowledgable about many things, especially about Israel and Jews. You and the radical left are the Jew haters and Israel's enemy. calling me Hitler means nothing to me. It shows how what you will resort to when your little pee ppe is exposed for what you really are. It just shows how you completely explode when your dear precious radical left is exposed for what it is.

And fyi, can you really, really prove I voted for Bush. No you can't, and it's possible I just voted against Kerry, who would be Israel's and probably the U.S.'s downfall You are carrying on like the raving left wing lunatic and USA hater that you are. Your quantity and lack of quality of anti-American threads you have started speaks volumes.

Don't come to Chicago, bobert. Your mouth and attitude will expose you immediately amongst reasonable thinking people. We have the second biggest Jewish community here in America.

It is and has emerged that the left is way too anti-Israel to not also be anti-Jewish.

Deal with the fact that I consider you an enemy of the U.S. and of Israel. because you are.

Art, you are a Jew probably by birth. I dare to speak that you haven't practiced your religion or set foot in a shull for decades to under stand what "your people" think and relate to anymore.

Ebbie, the crux of the article is about anti-semitism hiding/lurking under the anti-Israel sentiments.