The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78229   Message #1464789
Posted By: Bobert
18-Apr-05 - 08:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: *Strengthening* Social Security...
Subject: RE: BS: *Strengthening* Social Security...
Well, what boggles my mind is that we are even talkin' about Social Security in the first place. This isn't a converstaion that progressives want dominating the media.

The US has serious problems that Bush and his buddies seem not want discussed and examined, like why the US, unlike almost every *developed* country in the world can't provide heath care to it's people??? Hmmmmm??? Maybe we're not all that *developed* after all. Ot whay, unlike most *developed* countries in the world we don't provide Child care services to out people??? Hmmm??? Maybe we're not all that *developed* afterall. Or why it is that one in five of our kids live in poverty??? Or why we rant something like 17th in infant mortality rate??? Or why out schoold ate literally falling apart???
Or why the US is the only *deveoped* country that has capital punishment??? Hmmmm??? Maybe we're not all that *developed*???

But do we talk about these things??? Heck no!!! All Bush and the hubby's of the US want on the table is a system that has worked for 60 years and will continue to work for at least another 40 years without much tweekin' at all...

This to me is insanity... It's like going to the emergency room with a broken arm and they treat you for the head cold that you also have and ignore the arm...

Ths logic totally escapes me here!!!

Oh, I'm sure that the Rush Limbaigh's have the hubby's all primned with some dumbass answer but it the hubby's would just shut off Limbaugh fir a week and answer the questions I've posed here I think that the hubbys might come away with a more reasonable perspective...
