The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80337   Message #1465490
Posted By: CarolC
19-Apr-05 - 01:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: The New Anti-semitism
Subject: RE: BS: The New Anti-semitism
Main Entry: apart�heid
Pronunciation: &-'p�r-"tAt, -"tIt
Function: noun
Etymology: Afrikaans, from Dutch, from apart apart + -heid -hood
1 : racial segregation; specifically : a policy of segregation and political and economic discrimination against non-European groups in the Republic of So. Africa
2 : SEPARATION, SEGREGATION [I favor apartheid of smokers -- L. E. Bellin] [sexual apartheid]

The Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem live completely at the whim of the government of Israel and the IDF in bantustans that are separated from each other by the land that is reserved only for Jews in those areas, and are segregated from that Jewish only land, as well as from Israel itself, and they have no legal rights whatever under the military occupation there. The situation in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem is not exactly the same as that of South Africa... in some ways it may be somewhat better (although I am not aware of any), and in some ways it is worse. But it is similar enough for someone who lived as one of the oppressed under apartheid in South Africa to be able to reasonably make that connection, as Archbishop Tutu did after visiting the area.

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