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Thread #80407   Message #1466463
Posted By: GUEST
20-Apr-05 - 02:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ratzinger is the new Pope [2005]
Subject: RE: BS: Ratzinger is the new Pope
No Joe, I don't think it has to do with winning when it comes to the position of the UN and other aid organizations, and the use of condoms as a means of preventing AIDs transmission.

See, that is where YOU don't seem to get the argument. The aid workers are saying that condoms aren't just used for birth control anymore--they are now also used to prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. That means that condoms have more than one single purpose, one which can save millions of lives of innocents. However, the church dogmatists refuse to accept that something that can be used for birth control can also be used to prevent the spread of a fatal disease killing millions of people, which is at the stage of a world-wide epidemic. Can you imagine if, say, the church said they wouldn't allow TB vaccines to be used? Same thing. We are talking about a public health epidemic here, like the flu, not "birth control".

There is no way that the necessary education and distribution systems can be set up for aid workers to educate about transmission and distribute condoms, without running headlong into the Catholic church's propaganda campaign spreading misinformation and outright lies about the transmission of the disease and the efficacy of condoms to prevent transmission. It really is that simple, and the intransigence of the church on this point has been well documented again and again by international aid authorities, organizations like the UN, WHO, etc.

Sometimes the church is just plain wrong. Now, if you are suggesting that the intransigent stance for winning sake is being taken by the church, then I'd agree with you.

But when it comes to the church's position on condom use, as far as I'm concerned, the Catholic church is guilty of committing crimes against humanity for the ways they are undermining the aid efforts in Africa and Asia in particular, where AIDs has exploded and reached epidemic levels in the past decade.