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Thread #80407   Message #1466556
Posted By: GUEST,Joe Offer
20-Apr-05 - 04:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ratzinger is the new Pope [2005]
Subject: RE: BS: Ratzinger is the new Pope
With regards to condoms, I still don't think I've seen any facts about the so-called Catholic "propaganda campaign" against condoms. There is a strong difference between a stated position on something, and an outright campaign. I will fully agree that there have been some downright stupid statements made by certain church leaders about the permeability of condoms, but I still see no evidence of a widespread campaign by the Catholic church against condoms. Frankly, I think that stubborn opposition to the Catholic Church on this issue simply serves to exaggerate the impact of the church's position - and that exaggeration serves to compound the impact of that position. And yeah, it's all done in the name of winning, not for the purpose of preventing AIDS.

What happens so often in all corners of our polarized world is that people target the extremists among their opponents and ignore the vast majority who are in the middle ground of the discussion of an issue. In fact, the tendency is to label the entire opposing side as "extremist," and to define the entire opposition as beings equally ridiculous as its extremist minority. Yes, there are conservative Catholic bishops and cardinals who take the Church's position to ridiculous extremes. It's foolhardy to even bother with them, because they will never change. Don't seek to do battle with the Catholic middle, either - the only solution is to seek common ground and a reasonable compromise that serves the aims of all concerned. the vast majority of Catholics and Catholic leaders are deeply concerned about AIDS and its horrible impact. They will be a valuable ally in the fight against AIDS, but not if they are dismissed as enemies because they do not buy the liberal party line hook, line, and sinker.

No, MMario, I don't think Ratzinger's conversion to conservatism is just a matter of loyalty to the "party line." I don't expect he'll turn into a wild-eyed liberal. I think most people tend to move toward the center or even to the right when they move into leadership positions. If you are an extreme progressive, you can't effectively lead an organization that is not equally progressive. Many of the liberal theologians who were silenced dealt in highly speculative theology that is simply beyond the understanding of Catholics who do not have advanced theological degrees. It's worthwhile stuff, but it IS hard to follow - and it is distressing to people who don't understand it. The "silencing" was the withdrawal of a theologian's license to teach in the name of the Catholic Church. this sometimes means the loss of a job, but most of the "silenced" theologians found teaching jobs elsewhere. But my pont is that you cannot be a speculative theologian and a church leader at the same time, because speculative theologians are in a realm that is beyond the comprehension of most mortals.

So, anyhow, I'm still hoping that this guy won't be as rigid as some think he will be.

-Joe Offer-