The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15968   Message #146806
Posted By: Bill D
08-Dec-99 - 07:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Changing the world!
Subject: RE: BS: Changing the world!
I have had a running joke about myself for years..(25-30 or so!)...that I want to be elected "Emperor of the Universe"....because there are so many things I'd like to change. Ususally, I tell people a few things, and they say "Hey, not bad! I'll vote for you!".....then I tell them a few MORE things I'd change, on a different level, and I get this look...and they say..."ummm...maybe I WON'T vote for you after all"...

I suspect that if everyone knew my entire platform, I'd get NO votes...*grin*...but that's the way it goes...

one of the problem with anyone getting the power to have any serious ability to make changes that affect a lot of people, is that the job often attracts those you don't WANT to have that power!...But they often are willing to lie to GET it!..You know the saying..."Power corrupts...etc..."....well, often, the corruption comes before the least I am up front about MY you don't have to worry that I'll be running things very soon...

So...what would I do?...well, I guess the major one is to put in place measures that would gradually reduce world population..not 'slow down growth'...**REDUCE**...In my view, there are SO many problems which will NEVER be solved if we just keep growing...(see? I lost a few votes right there...*grin*).....

then there are little things, like gun control, and MONUMENTAL changes in transportation/traffic laws and who is allowed behind the wheel of an automobile...(ooops...lost a few more votes...durn...)

the list goes on...been working on it for many years....

well, you asked...