The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80080   Message #1468532
Posted By: Alan cayn
22-Apr-05 - 09:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: John Paul II's Legacy
Subject: RE: BS: John Paul II's Legacy
I don't understand us. So many opinion's based on what? Personal bias. John Paul II was the Pope of the Catholic Church and acted as the Pope. If people don't agree with an organization then why be in it. In term's of Christianity if you a favor a humanist direction, then find a pulpit that will entertain that.There are plenty. A book came out last November, IN SEARCH OF PAUL by John Dominic Crossen. I suggest it as an eye opening read. Christianity really was a revolution against the empire. Crossen explain's it in bright detail. It applies all to well to 2005.