The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80407   Message #1468779
Posted By: Donuel
23-Apr-05 - 10:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ratzinger is the new Pope [2005]
Subject: RE: BS: Ratzinger is the new Pope
Ms. Dowd did not mention the greater risk of succeeding in establishing an official fundamentalist christian US government in perpetuity.

Talk of blasphemy laws have already seen the light of day.
Drug companies risk losing many family planning product sales.
Official language and official religion loopholes will crop up.
Blackballing faiths, excluding the unfaithful in every strata of the culture and more devout gun toting christians enforcing god's will as they see it.

The only correct use of the word evolution will become the "evolution" of the Constitution which means throwing the old quaint Constitution away.

No Ms. Dowd the risks are far greater than not expanding the US Christian political party to include everyone under the same Billy Graham banner and marching off to more unilateral patriotic invasions.